Cannabis party icebreakers to get partygoers talking

Published Jun 21, 2023 01:00 p.m. ET
Unsplash / Priscilla Du Preez

Throwing a cannabis-themed party for all your closest friends is a great way to create a unique and memorable experience with everyone you love, and it’s a really fun process once you get the hang of it. Whether you hope to host a smaller, more intimate gathering or a bigger event that may include a few unfamiliar faces, working icebreakers into the schedule will encourage your attendees to engage and get to know each other better.

Here are ten effective ideas that should help to break the ice, so that everyone feels a little bit more comfortable with connecting at your cannabis party.

1. Cannabis trivia questions

Get this party started with a mind-bending cannabis themed trivia challenge using questions about the rich history, culture, science, and entertainment science. Create equal teams by dividing guests into groups of 2 or more, and then put their knowledge to the test by seeing who can correctly answer the most questions.

This game is sure to get everyone talking, laughing, and working together as it sparks amazing conversations while also teaching those who partake all about the plant.

2. Joint rolling competition

Not everyone knows how to roll, but those who do often love the chance to show off their skills, and even those with no experience in this area might enjoy the challenge. Provide some fresh herb or have guests supply their own so all you have to worry about is supplying a few essential tools. Participants can get in touch with their creative side, and win a prize, based on certain criteria all determined by you!

A little friendly competition is practically guaranteed to build bonds among partygoers.

3. Name that strain

For this ice-breaking challenge, you’ll need a few different varieties of cannabis for your guests to assess and identify based on the way they smell and look. The more types the more difficult of a task this will be! Make up a list of included strains, and have participants attempt to match each sample with the correct name.

Test their knowledge, and play the game in teams, to further spark discussions surrounding personal experiences, and foster a stronger connection between players.

4. Cannabis tasting

If you’ve ever been to a wine-tasting event, then you already know how much fun this kind of experience can be, and cannabis tasting is no exception! Offer a vast selection of strain or product samples and give each participant a card to fill out with plenty of room for notes and opinions on integral aspects of each one such as flavor, effects, or aesthetics.

Encourage tasters to share their thoughts with everyone for a shared activity that gets everyone closer while some indulge in the opportunity to discover cannabis things they've never had the pleasure of trying before.

5. DIY edibles bar

Many hosts of cannabis events consider offering edibles as part of the adventure, but nothing quite compares to a personal encounter with the process of actually making these yummy treats. Offer one or more infused ingredients and leave guests to decide where their culinary skills take them. This way, partygoers will be able to enjoy the potency they desire.

This activity will also get everyone engaged as they ask for tips or assistance and share recipes among one another.

6. Cannabis-themed Pictionary


An old classic like Pictionary is a great option when you’re running low on ideas, just make sure the words and phrases used are cannabis-themed and boom, it’s a magical challenge that’s perfect for this kind of party. Divide people into teams in even numbers, give each group a place to draw, and have one member from each select a related answer.

Once a hint to the answer is drawn out their teammates will have loads of fun as they try to guess what it is and bond over their unique interpretations.

7. Storytime with cannabis

Cannabis enthusiasts love to share their personal stories and experiences with cannabis, but this conversation is often difficult to start, and that’s where you the host can step in. Set up a comfy space complete with soft lighting to create a good atmosphere where you can encourage guests to tell funny, insightful, or memorable cannabis stories.

This activity is sure to result in a sense of camaraderie as participants connect through individual experiences and tales.

8. Cannabis-inspired charades

Get partygoers up and moving with a game of charades with a cannabis twist, using related words, strains, accessories, or consumption methods as prompts. Each person will have a chance to act out the chosen prompts, while everyone else in the room shouts out guesses as they do their best to figure out the answer.

This game is an effective icebreaker that always brings laughter and entertainment to a party.

9. Pictures with a cannabis theme

Any photos taken during your cannabis party will memorialize the event, so guests can look back on the good times they had for many years to come, so why not make it part of the experience by setting up a booth that’s equipped with everything they could need to have fun with it? Offer a cannabis-themed backdrop, or accessories like hats, sunglasses, bongs, pipes, joints, or hilarious signs.

Don’t forget to create a designated hashtag for those who want to share these images on social media, as it will give everyone an easy way to reconnect long after the party ends.

10. Cannabis conversation topics

Last but not least, creating a designated space or a lounge where guests can gather and engage in cannabis-related conversations is a great way to break the ice. By offering thoughtful questions, or themed topics, you’ll have people talking about their thoughts, experiences, and opinions in no time.

For a truly engaging chat, set up pairs or groups of participants who are interested in the subject at hand.

These icebreakers help to ensure your cannabis party is a hit. Just remember to encourage safe consumption, and prioritize safety, so that everyone who attends will go home at the end of it all with nothing but good things to say and remember about  this one-of-a-kind gathering you worked so hard to create.

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