A comprehensive guide to CBD oil

iStock / TinnacornJorruang

The History of CBD oil

In 2737 BC, a Chinese Emperor, Sheng Nung, used tea infused with cannabis to relieve numerous ailments, including rheumatism, gout, and malaria. It is reported that Queen Victoria used CBD for the alleviating of menstrual cramps during her reign which ended in 1901.

CBD oil is often presented in the media as a “cure-all” for many conditions and health concerns. Research is quick to point out that there is no sure-fire evidence that CBD is capable of doing just that.

There are over a hundred different cannabinoids present in the marijuana plant, and CBD is a phytocannabinoid that was discovered in 1940 by Dr. Roger Adams, a graduate from Harvard University. Along with his team from the University of Illinois, he was the first to extract CBD from the Cannabis Sativa plant successfully; however, the team did not fully understand what he had accomplished, 1963 brought the revelation of what he and his team had accomplished years earlier.

It is interesting to note that CBD was discovered over twenty years before the cannabinoid THC. However, it is THC that has been the dominant compound of marijuana in the research area.  That was until recently, CBD is now being researched actively for its health benefits.

What is CBD oil?

CBD is one of the hundreds of cannabinoids that have been identified in the cannabis plant, and it accounts for up to 40% of the plant's extracts.

In 1946 Dr. Walter S. Loewe conducted the testing on lab animals for the benefits of CBD. The lab testing was proof that CBD did not provide a high or altered mental state. Dr. Raphael Mechoulam studies of the same year identified the three-dimensional structure of CBD, and for the discovery, he is often credited as the scientist who discovered CBD.

Research continued on primates, and ultimately the first CBD oil that was designed for therapeutic use was provided by the British Pharmacopoeia. Most CBD oil is made from the extraction of CBD from the industrial hemp plant, which usually carries a higher content of CBD than the marijuana plant. It is then diluted with a carrier like a coconut oil or hemp seed oil.

Research continued for a couple of decades to help find the benefits of this second most common marijuana compound. Dr. Mechoulam made a breakthrough study in identifying CBD as a major contender in the treating of epilepsy. This medical breakthrough had the potential to change the lives of more than 50 million sufferers of epilepsy in the world. However, there were issues around the stigma associated with the word cannabis being paired with positive medical care at that time.

Before 2009, there was little indication that CBD was present in certain marijuana strains. However, the discovery of strains that were richer in CBD than THC bought numerous cultivators to begin turning to CBD-rich crops for their cultivation, thus making a considerable upsweep in the availability of the compound across the United States.

CBD derived from the hemp plant, and when used as a solo agent will not deliver feelings of highness. However, CBD is known to neutralize the psychoactive effects that THC, also from the marijuana plant, possess.

There is a direct interaction that CBD has with several proteins located in the body and the central nervous system. A few of which are part of the endogenous cannabinoid system.

Benefits of CBD oil

CBD binds to a few other receptor proteins that belong to the endogenous cannabinoid system. These include GPR6, TRPV1 TRPV2, and GPR3 the binding of CBD, and these could be the reason for the anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving effects that occur and are delivered to aid in numerous health conditions.

CBD is not intoxicating and has proven medically to benefit numerous health conditions. The interaction between CBD and some medications may inhibit certain drug levels in your liver. This can result in providing higher levels of the prescribed drug in your bloodstream. It is always wise to consult with your health practitioner when incorporating CBD into your medicinal regime.

How to use CBD oil for medical health

Marijuana’s use for health and wellness is at the forefront of medical studies and is moving quickly. The cannabinoid, CBD is becoming perhaps more sought after than the compound THC.

The many uses of CBD for health and wellness issues are skyrocketing. Scientists have proven that medically, patients who have epilepsy have had a significant reduction in the number of seizures that are experienced.

Types of CBD oil treatments

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  1. Chronic pain
    Marijuana has been used for treating pain as far back as 2900 BC. Scientists have now discovered that CBD and other components are responsible for providing the pain-relieving effects produced. The scientific studies indicate that CBD's impact on the endocannabinoid receptors, reduce the amount of inflammation and chronic pain felt. When CBD is combined with THC, there is an indication that it is effective in reducing the pain felt from multiple sclerosis.

  2. Arthritic pain
    CBD infused in lotion, or a topical gel has proven to be an aid for the person living with arthritis. Studies indicated pain reduction when CBD was applied in this method.

Some of the debilitating symptoms of arthritis that people complain about are stiffness and decreased movement in the affected joints. Studies have proven that CBD could prevent the pain from osteoarthritis along with joint neuropathy. The reviews verified the reduction of inflammation as the reason for the pain reduction associated with arthritis.

  1. Anxiety
    CBD oil has been associated with several mental health concerns. About 20% of the population may suffer from anxiety in some form. CBD has been proven to assist in the reduction of numerous anxiety disorders, and studies have found that CBD oil can be effectively and safely used for the treatment of reducing anxiety in younger children.

CBD is a natural plant-based oil that can stop the breakdown of the happy and blissful anandamide responsible for keeping our moods in perfect balance. Cannabidiol may be responsible for assisting in the lowering of isolation feelings experienced by some anxious people. Autism symptoms have also been recorded as showing a reduction when treatment includes CBD.

The effects of PTSD are another mental health concern that can be reduced with the use of CBD. Studies indicate that the hippocampus, an area in the brain that is responsible for the healthy emotion and memory, can benefit from the use of CBD's calming effects.

Social anxiety symptoms can be significantly reduced with the use of CBD and will not deliver the unwanted side effects of traditional drugs like diazepam. Some of these undesirable side-effects include weight gain, hormonal dysregulation and problems with movement; none of these side-effects is present when CBD is used.

  1. Muscle spasms
    These are one of the most common symptoms that plague MS sufferers. The short-term use of CBD can reduce the amount of spasticity that is experienced. CBD is effective due to the anti-inflammatory ability it can deliver.

  2. Insomnia
    CBD is proving to be an aid for short-term sleep problems. The easing of anxiety and pain promote healthier sleep patterns when using CBD. Using CBD for support in achieving a good nights’ sleep can provide relief without adding the unwanted sluggish feelings often experienced by OTC medication commonly used to battle those sleepless nights. CBD may be helping to fight those insomnia concerns by calming the nervous system.

Some studies have indicated that CBD can prevent the breakdown of the chemical transmitter in the brain that is responsible for mental functions, pain and the emotional state we feel. This action may allow for the sleep-promoting chemical to flow through our bloodstream, enabling the body to become drowsy. When CBD is used an hour before bedtime, you can look forward to a peaceful and restful nights' sleep.

  1. Weight control
    Studies have shown that CBD may help in boosting the metabolism and assist in promoting weight loss. There is evidence that CBD binds to the CB1 and CB2 receptors located in the brain and lymphoid tissue. It is these receptors that are thought to play essential roles in the food intake and metabolism of our bodies.

  2. Acne
    Using CBD to treat this skin condition is achieved by the ability of CBD to adjust how the body creates sebum. The anti-inflammatory qualities of CBD will help to keep the skin clear of sebum buildups resulting in an outbreak of the skin. Acne appears to be the most common skin problem that humans have. When sebum, which helps to protect our skin, is mixed with dirt, dead skin cells and other pollutants, it can become trapped inside the pores, resulting in an outbreak of the skin; this is acne.

Studies show that CBD can help in restricting the amount of oily sebum that the body produces. CBD was also noted for triggering the anti-inflammatory reaction in the skin’s cells, which helped in preventing cytokines from activating. Cytokines could be the cause of provoking acne, and the reduction of cytokines may be the help needed in preventing any further outbreaks on the skin. Antifungal qualities provided by CBD may be the reason for the decrease of infections on the skin.

How to make CBD oil topical lotion

iStock / MysteryShot

Although in some cases CBD can be taken orally to help in the control of acne, the best way to use CBD oil on the skin is to mix it with some form of carrier oil and apply it directly to the affected skin area. Some carrier oils that are used with CBD for the skin include:

  • Olive oil
  • Shea butter
  • Arjan oil
  • Coconut oil

How to make a CBD oil pain-relieving mango smoothie


  • 1 cup of freshly squeezed orange juice
  • 1/2 a cup of organic coconut milk
  • Your specific dose of CBD oil
  • 2 or 3 partial frozen diced mangoes
  • 1/ cup of shaved ice


  1. Use a blender to combine the orange juice, coconut milk and your CBD dose of oil and blend until it is smooth and creamy
  2. Now add the partially frozen mango and ice to the blender and blend till creamy and icy
  3. Serve immediately for a delicious, refreshing pain providing beverage

How to make a CBD oil bedtime cocktail


  • 1 cup of white grape juice
  • 1 cup of natural cherry juice
  • 1/2 of a dropper of valerian root tincture
  • A dose of your CBD oil


  1. Mix the ingredients together in a pitcher
  2. Enjoy a glass before bed for a good night’s sleep

Methods of consuming CBD for health issues

Here are some suggested methods of using CBD to produce the best benefits that this cannabinoid can provide.

  1. Edibles are commonly found in the form of gummies and other candy forms like CBD honey. CBD edibles affect the body differently than other methods. CBD taken in this form needs to pass through the digestive system and with using this method for consuming CBD, the effects will take a bit longer to occur. Everyone's digestive system is different, and the timing of feeling the results can take from 30 minutes to 2 hours, and with edibles, the effects are longer-lasting than other methods of using CBD.

  2. Flower is another method where ingesting CBD requires the flower or bud to be smoked. There will be low levels of THC helping to encourage the entourage effect allowing CBD to amplify the pain-relieving qualities that THC can provide.

  3. Topicals such as creams balms, ointments, or lotions can be applied directly to the affected area where pain and inflammation are being experienced. Using CBD topically can provide relief for muscular, nerve and skin conditions such as eczema and psoriasis.

  4. Vape Oil in a CBD form comes in convenient pre-filled cartridges as well as bottles of CBD vape oil for filling your vape pen or mod. This method of consuming CBD is discreet, and fast-acting as inhaling into your lung provides CBD with a direct path to your bloodstream.

CBD oil for pets

iStock / Monica Click

While we know that CBD is beneficial and healthy for humans does CBD prove as helpful for our furry friends?

Pet owners have reported that their pets are receiving relieve from pain, especially neuropathic pain. It is also noted that seizures are controlled when CBD is included in the daily regime of dogs suffering from this. The use of CBD has been credited for assisting dogs who live with cardiac concerns, appetite stimulation, and possible anti-cancer benefits.

Side effects of using CBD oil for pets

Listed below are some possible side-effects of using CBD for your furry friend’s health complaints:

·         Dry mouth is one such side-effect where CBD can decrease the production of saliva and could result in an increased need for water

·         Drowsiness can be noted when CBD is used in treating anxiety in your dog. The calming effects especially if using higher dosage can result in a slight drowsiness effect

·         Lowered blood pressure can be the result of higher doses of CBD being administered. It is usually a small drop in the pressure, which may result in feeling lightheaded.

Dosing CBD oil for pets

The dosing of CBD for your furry friend is still being studied. Currently, the veterinarian society does not advocate for the use of CBD. It is advisable for anyone planning to treat their dog with CBD oil to follow the rules that are suggested for humans.  When ingesting any form of edible, go low and slow before increasing dosages. Also, be wise when shopping for CBD products for your dog’s, ensure to look for:

·         Organic products are better and defiantly look for products that do not contain pesticides solvents or fungicides in the manufacturing of the products.

·         Buy your CBD in a liquid form. This manner will provide a more accurate way to dispense the CBD to your dog by drops.

Legal status of CBD oil

iStock / Denise Hasse

CBD is legal in Canada only through a prescription. This will change in Canada at the end of 2019. However, after the legalization of CBD, it will still be illegal for the consumer to get their CBD from outside of Canada.

CBD is strictly regulated in Canada, just like cannabis, and the law states that CBD products must be sold legally only by registered retailers. In Canada, only Licensed Producers may lawfully make and distribute CBD oil.

Currently, producers of beverages and natural health products contain small amounts of CBD derived from other parts of the cannabis plant. This is illegal and currently does not fall into the requirements set up by Health Canada's recreational and medicinal marijuana system.

In Canada, CBD is regulated under the Cannabis Act and Regulations and not regulated under Hemp regulations. This does not matter where the CBD originated with industrial hemp or not. To sell, produce, or process CBD products legally, one must have a license under the Cannabis Act and not under the Industrial Hemp Regulations. The products including edibles, beverages, topicals containing CBD, and extracts.

The federal and provincial government will provide jurisdiction over recreational cannabis use, and Health Canada will continue to be the regulator of medicinal marijuana.

Studies are continuing to find more benefits that CBD can provide to us. CBD is becoming a compound that is finding its way into our homes. Not only for a cure or aid in handling some very debilitating concerns but also as a wellness daily health regime but whatever method is chosen to provide your body with the natural benefits of using CBD products.

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