
The Ultimate Guide on How to Smoke weed

iStock / Niyaz_Tavkaev

This beginners guide on how to smoke weed is perfect for both novice and experienced consumers that have questions about the different methods of ingestion. Here we will cover what the most commonly used devices to smoke cannabis are, and how to smoke weed using each one of them.

How to smoke weed for the first time

Novice consumers are typically better off sticking with pure cannabis flowers that can be potent but have effects that are less intense than concentrates, which is what makes joints an excellent starting point. They offer smaller, more controlled hits and much of the product goes up in a literal smoke, whereas other methods of inhalation are much harsher and often more potent in their delivery.


iStock / Bubba-Z

Bongs are generally made of either glass, plastic, ceramic, bamboo or metal and come in several different designs including:

1. Carburetor bong
A carburetor bong has the addition of a carb hole in the center, which allows a stronger, more condensed hit when the carb is released.

2. Straight tube bong
A straight tube bong is the most basic and is made of a tube that is sealed at one end and has a bowl with a stem on the side.

3. Beaker bong
A beaker shaped bong is almost the same as the straight tube bong, except this one has a flared end. Beaker bongs are the most stable kind of bongs, because of the large base and low center of gravity.

4. Round bong
A round base bong has a circular base that is much wider than the tube but is designed similarly to the tube on the beaker bong.

5. Multi-Chamber bong
A Multi-Chamber bong is a bit more complicated, with two chambers in the straight tube. Both chambers can hold water which will filter smoke twice before it is inhaled. Multi-Chamber Bongs tend to be more expensive and nearly impossible to clean.

6. Percolator bong
Percolator bongs can be a variation of all the above, with the difference being an added percolator. A percolator is a small piece of glass that essentially waters down the smoke as it goes through the water chamber which creates bubbles as it travels.

7. Gravity bong
Gravity bongs use the vacuum that water creates when it leaves the chamber, and it requires all the water to be emptied from the chamber to pull the smoke inside, making it readily available for the user.

Marijuana water pipe

A water pipe is designed to fit in a user’s palm. It draws the smoke through a chamber full of water to cool it, which can give a smoother hit than a regular hand pipe. The water pipe has an additional chamber located under the bowl that is filled with water as a filter for the smoke. The downside of these pipes is similar to those of other pipes with the difference being water pipes are most frequently made of glass and don't come apart, making them easy to break and difficult to properly clean.

Marijuana hand pipe

iStock / botstocks

Hand pipes are most commonly made of glass, wood, metal or plastic, and are designed to comfortably rest in the palm of a person’s hand. Some can be taken apart while others are single pieces. Hand pipes can either have no holes outside of the bowl and mouthpiece, or they can have a small carb in the side to be controlled by the user covering and uncovering it.

All pipes function on the same principle, using the force of the user’s lungs when inhaling, to pull the smoke down to the mouthpiece. If there is a carb, then the carb should remain covered until just before the user is finished inhaling, which will release a large cloud of trapped smoke directly into the mouthpiece. The drawback to using a pipe is that some of the materials they are made from, can negatively affect the taste and smell.

How to use a bong or a pipe the right way

You might be surprised and is laughing at the possibility of doing something wrong for several years. Bongs and pipes can appear to be working fine, but most consumers aren’t getting the whole experience, which can significantly influence the taste, smell and strength of a hit, and not for the better.

Below you will find two little known features that come with different kinds of bongs and weed pipes, and chances are, at least 70% of those who are reading this didn’t even know they existed, and if they did, they were not aware of their real purpose.

1. Carbs
These appear to be little more than a small hole, and most of them are placed in a natural position to cover with your hand. They are typically found on weed pipes but can also be present on certain types of bongs. Though you might have known to cover the carb, did you know that when you release it, it is just as important?

When you pack a fresh bowl of cannabis, be it in a bong or pipe, the first thing that you are going to do is spark it up. This ignites the herb and converts the THCA and CBDA into the delightful elements that we know and love so much called THC and CBD.

These compounds, along with smoke from the burnt plant materials, travel through the pipe and to your mouth where they are inhaled. The trouble is that no matter how hard you continue to breathe in, there will always be residual smoke that remains stuck in the chamber.

The only way to clear the smoke from a bong entirely is to release the carb just before you are finished taking a hit, which will help to leave the chamber clean and fresh for the next person in line.

2. Removable stems
These accessories are most often found on bongs but can also be featured on some types of water pipes. They are incredibly difficult to spot to the untrained consumer, but if you look closely, you will probably see a small handle on the side of the bowl stem; give it a tug, and it will release.

This feature works exactly as the carb, with the only difference being that bongs are larger, very difficult to empty and it’s the type of smoking tool that you will benefit from using it on. Just light the bowl, take a deep inhale, then gently remove the stem upon finishing the hit. Most don’t have to be completely removed, as the seal around the edge just has to be broken so that the air can flow.

Now that you know how to use pipes and bongs the right way, your tokes will seem cooler, fresher and tastier than ever before. Just give it a try, and you will start to see the benefits in no time.

Weed hookah

iStock / serezniy

Hookahs are typically used in combination with flavored tobacco, which is believed to be a part of what makes them so popular among young consumers. This device is designed on a similar principle to regular bongs but functions more like a vaporizer. Coals are placed in a heating chamber which is lit to provide heat, and the tobacco and cannabis mixture is placed into a bowl just above it, which results in just enough heat to effectively vaporize the cannabinoids.

Hookahs come in all different shapes and sizes with mouthpieces ranging from 1 or 2 all the way up to 8, making it an ideal piece for large gatherings. They are most often made of a combination of wood, metal, glass, and plastics which is typically located in the tubing far from any heat source which is what makes them safe.

How to use a Hookah

Hookah’s look complicated, but once you get the hang of using them, they really are one of the simplest consumption devices on the market, and one of the few to offer a group experience, but to use one you will need a few things more than a hookah:

You will need

  • Hookah
  • Weed grinder
  • Cannabis
  • Coals
  • Lighter (or torch)


  1. Lift the dry herb compartment and prepare the heat bed of the hookah by placing a layer of coals across the metal plate.
  2. Grind up the desired amount of cannabis using a grinder.
  3. Fill the herb chamber with bud grind and get a lighter ready, but do not return it to I’s place just yet.
  4. Spark up the coals and wait for the flying pieces that indicate current burning to subside.
  5. Once the coals are a bright red color you can replace the herb chamber.
  6. Wait a minute or two then put one of the mouthpiece tips to your lips and inhale.

Rolling papers

iStock / guruXOOX

Joints, blunts, doobies and any other way to smoke pot that requires some sort of rolling paper fit into this category. When using any rolling method, dried cannabis is ground up then rolled up into a paper. Sometimes a filter is added before it is lit, then after it is lit the user inhales through one end with the dried herb burning at the other. The benefit of choosing joints is usually the social aspect as if joints are rolled properly, they can be burned for a very long time and are easily passed around among a group of friends.

Papers are cheap, easy to access and disposable, making them the most preferred method of consuming dried marijuana. The drawbacks are that there is a lot of “wasted” weed. As a joint burn, it fills the air with a whole bunch of smoke that never gets fully utilized, and the paper quite often adds a taste that can negatively affect the flavor and smell of the bud. Blunts have the additional nicotine content because of the tobacco leaves which can also have adverse health consequences.

How to roll a joint

The most common cannabis roll is called a joint, and it is one of the easiest methods of ingestion for anyone interested in learning how to smoke weed. A joint consists of a rolling paper that is filled with buds that have been ground and sometimes even lined with marijuana concentrates. If you are staring at a full pack of papers wondering where to begin, then check out these easy to follow steps for how to roll a joint.

You will need:

  • Rolling papers
  • Cannabis buds
  • Weed grinder


  1. Use a weed grinder or pair of scissors to bust apart cannabis buds until they reach a fine and even consistency.

  2. Fill a rolling paper half full to start, as it’s the perfect amount to work with for less experienced cannabis rollers.

  3. Fold the paper in half to create an envelope and use your thumbs to press and roll the bud grind into a firm straight tube.

  4. Once you are satisfied with the shape and size, roll the bottom packed portion upwards with your thumbs and wet the glued edges to stick it into place.

  5. Once the joint is rolled, spark it with a lighter and take small puffs of the smoke. Inhale carefully to avoid chocking and have fun!

This is one of the easiest methods of ingestion for anyone interested in learning how to smoke weed.


Joint roller

For those with no skill with rolling papers, there is a solution, and for many, a joint roller is the only way they can enjoy the experience of a good cannabis roll. Not everyone can master the twisting and skill that is necessary for a smooth burning joint, but a joint roller takes the guesswork out of the equation and makes it so all that you really need to be good at is grinding weed.

These tools are typically made using plastic combined with metal and softer materials that can grip onto a paper and manipulate it with ease. With a quick twist of the wrist, a perfectly even cannabis roll is entirely possible, even for the least experienced rollers.

How to use a joint roller

Joint rollers make the job easier, but they do still require a bit of preparation and attention to work out. That is because for the roll to go smoothly, you will need a fine cannabis grind that in evenly packed all along with the device.

You will need:

  • Rolling paper
  • Cannabis (1-2 grams)
  • Weed grinder
  • Cardstock


  1. Grind up the cannabis and pack it into the middle of the roller.

  2. Once you are finished, be sure to leave room for a filter and prepare the cardstock for installation.

  3. Place the filter into the opening then twist the outer bars in the indicated direction just enough that you can’t see the herb.

  4. Get a paper and feed it into the joint roller so that the glue strip it on top and facing you, then lick the strip.

  5. Twist the bars one final time until the pull on the bars lets go and they spin freely.

  6. Unroll the handles to expose your freshly rolled joint.

Dry herb vaporizer

iStock / Moussa81

Vaporizers are one of the most discreet smoking devices available today. They use a hot coil to burn the cannabis and feature a push-button start. Vapes are portable, easily come apart with interchangeable parts, and keep everything contained within a cylindrical unit that can fit neatly into a pocket while on the go.

Vaping is the healthiest way to smoke weed since it is instantly vaporized without the use of fuel filled lighters or cartridges. The drawback of vapes is the cost and the frequency in which parts fail even when taken care of. Since there are electronic parts and a battery involved, it can be a costly endeavor to get one of decent quality, when first starting out.

How to use a dry herb vaporizer

Dry herb marijuana vapes are easy to use but aren’t great for those who seek a continuous flow of hits without investing in a more expensive tabletop version. Portable dry herb vapes can have difficulty reaching the appropriate temperature to vaporize all the cannabinoids within, so they often need a quick stir to agitate the herb enough for a second hit.

These devices do not offer any more than one or two hauls, but what they do provide is a potent, dense cloud filled with a joint’s worth of THC and CBD in one breathe. Just remember that If your vaporizer is portable, then you need to ensure that it has a full charge before proceeding. For those with a direct connection to electricity, this extra step is not necessary.

You will need:

  • Dry herb vaporizer
  • Cannabis
  • Weed grinder


  1. Locate the herb container according to your user’s manual.

  2. Grind up some cannabis and gently pack it into the chamber. Too much will hinder the transfer of heat, so it is important that the grind can breathe.

  3. Place the lid on the device and place your lips to the mouthpiece.

  4. Hit the start button and within a few moments, you should be inhaling a thick cloud of cannabis vapor.

Dab rigs

Dabbing is using a heated metal or glass element to instantly vaporize the dried herb, and it can technically be done using any device.  A dabbing rig is a bit more advanced in its design and is more focused on those using concentrates than those who use dried cannabis. It features a wide shallow bowl with a very small hole or holes.

When the marijuana is hit with the heating element, the smoke travels through the center of the rig which will have anywhere from 1 to 4 chambers all filled with water as an advanced sort of filtration system. The most significant downfall of dabbing rigs is their inability to be adequately cleaned and their large bulky size making them difficult to travel with.

How to use a dab rig

iStock / rgbspace

Dab rigs are only intended to work with marijuana concentrates, but they function on a similar principle to the hookah and vaping. Using heat to deliver a powerful cloud of vaporized cannabinoids that is free of carcinogens and toxins, but to use one you will need a bit more firepower than your typical bong.

You will need:

  • Dab rig
  • Dab tool
  • Marijuana concentrate
  • Torch
  • Carb cap


  1. Ensure that your dab rig is clean and ready to go before lighting the torch.

  2. Use the superheated flame to heat up the nail until it is red.

  3. Work quickly, use a dabbing tool to drop a dab of marijuana concentrate onto the head of the nail.

  4. Cover the concentrate with a carb cap to contain the smoke and inhale the potent cloud from the mouthpiece.

DIY ways to smoke weed

Now that we have covered all the traditional store-sold weed paraphernalia it’s time to include more creative ways to smoke weed. You can smoke weed using a DIY pipe or bong made of fruit, containers you have lying around, just about anything can be made into a smoking device if you think long enough. All that is required to create your own smoking device is a bowl, a chamber for the smoke to travel to, and a mouthpiece that has a good draw. From Apple Pipes to Banana Bongs, the options really are limitless.

Why does smoking weed make you cough?

A chronic cough accompanied by the increase of phlegm, and wheezing, happens to a quarter of marijuana smokers. When smoking has stopped, so do those irritating symptoms. The problem could be more serious if the incident occurs with shortness of breath, so if this is a problem you face, it’s a good idea to try changing the strain you are using or the method of ingestion.

How to smoke weed without coughing

If you are wondering how to stop yourself from coughing while smoking weed, try to draw the smoke into your mouth first, then inhale a breath of fresh air. Now you should be enjoying a smooth hit. This is the technique of how to not cough when smoking weed.

If you have inhaled a large amount of harsh cannabis and have a weed smoker's cough you may decide to try vaping, as inhaling hot water vape is healthier than smoking and it will also produce a more potent hit. You may need to completely rest that sore throat to relieve coughing, or perhaps you could try these tips for a weed cough cure:

  • Stay hydrated
  • Drink fluids preferably water
  • Chewing gum or cold throat lozenges are great as a weed cough cure
  • If your throat persists in being sore or you continue to cough you can gargle with a bit of warm saltwater
  • The spacing of your hits might also need to be looked at, so stretch out your hits and keep hydrated in between them

If you have a terrible sore scratchy throat from smoking your cannabis, you may prefer to use edibles, however, this form of consumption will take longer to take effect, but you will have an enjoyable experience with the edibles if you go slow and steady when consuming. It's suggested to wait an hour for the effects before ingesting more edible.

Smoking and coughing or choking on weed is not a good combination, so if you find yourself struggling, try changing your strain and go easy moving forward.



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