How CBD Oil Can Help to Safely Treat Seizures

iStock / Tinnakorn Jorruang

It is estimated that nearly 500 million people worldwide suffer from epilepsy and other seizure-causing conditions, that make living a normal life nearly impossible. Despite the leaps and bounds that have been made by the pharmaceutical industry, patients still have few treatment options to choose from, and many come with adverse effects that can last a lifetime. This unfortunate situation has led many with treatment-resistant Epilepsy or a lack of success with new pharmaceutical options to seek new, gentler methods of treating their symptoms.

Marijuana and epilepsy

Cannabis is well known for its powerful medicinal agents that can help to relieve pain, but many don’t realize that CBD can also reduce many of the other symptoms that are associated with Epilepsy. In 2010 one of the world-famous cases, drew media attention when a treatment using CBD oil, made with Charlotte’s Web strain, which significantly decreased the frequency and severity of a little girl’s seizures.  It miraculously improved her quality of life dramatically and allowed her the freedom to return to school, resuming a relatively normal childhood that was never believed to be possible.

Is CBD oil good for seizures?

Unfortunately, young Charlotte’s recovery wasn’t well documented, as the treatment was taboo for its time, so it was not performed under direct medical supervision. However, there are quite a few clinical studies that have been released recently to fall back on, for hard evidence that CBD oil does, in fact, help to reduce the symptoms of Epilepsy and other seizure-causing conditions. According to WebMD, a dose as low as 10mg of CBD oil, can dramatically sooth symptoms, and a higher dosage of 20mg can do so even more effectively, but with a higher risk of adverse effects.

How does CBD oil work for seizures?

iStock / sakkmesterke

Seizures are typically caused by a misfiring of neurons in the brain, and often caused by damage or swelling. Abnormal surges of electricity can manifest as a result of damage to the neuropathic system that carries critical messages from nearly anywhere in the body, to the brain which can bring on an array of symptoms including seizures, dizziness, paranoia, inability to speak, blackouts, uncontrollable eye movements, teeth clenching, biting, loss of bladder control and difficulty breathing.

CBD oil can help to reduce seizures in a few different ways:

  • The first is by laying a protective coating or barrier on top of damaged nerves to help them heal and make them less sensitive to stimuli, resulting in the lessening of pain.

  • The second way is through a reduction in swelling caused by inflammation

  • The third is less seizure-specific but assists in relieving some of the painful injuries that can occur after an intense epileptic episode. This reaction occurs when CBD enters the bloodstream and stimulate the CB1 receptors which release soothing naturally produced hormones and chemicals.

Benefits of CBD oil

iStock / wut ti kit

Most people want to know how CBD can directly affect seizures, but it can also provide relief for numerous other symptoms that are often caused by Epilepsy. According to Healthline, these are the most effectively treated Epilepsy related conditions to date:

  • Neurological symptoms
  • Depression
  • Pain caused by injury
  • Insomnia
  • Lack of appetite
  • Chronic pain due to inflammation
  • Stress
  • Anxiety

Can CBD oil cause or worsen seizures?

The Epilepsy Foundation recommends CBD oil for treatment-resistant patients, and according to their research, CBD oil cannot directly cause seizures or any other symptoms of Epilepsy to worsen, but it does come with the ability to interfere with many different prescribed medications. So, if you begin a CBD oil treatment and notice that your condition has worsened, it is best to seek medical guidance immediately and to cease further treatments, until the situation is given some clarity. If you are currently on medication for Epilepsy or seizures and notice this kind of adverse effect, then you might need to switch prescriptions before continuing. In rare cases, the cause might be an allergic reaction to the carrier oil used, which is the reason why it is so important to pay attention to the ingredient’s labels when shopping for CBD oil.


How to use CBD oil to reduce seizures

iStock / Kanjana Jorruang

CBD oil is a pretty fantastic product, that can be used and ingested using a variety of different techniques and products including:

  • CBD vape oil
  • CBD oil under the tongue
  • CBD edibles
  • CBD topicals (balm, ointment, butter, and creams)


Just as it is with any other medicine, paying close attention to dosing is an essential element to a successful treatment, and the amount that works for you, might not be the same as someone else. Each individual reacts to CBD oil differently, so while some may manage relief with micro-doses, others need more significant amounts for the same effect. Hence the reason why it is generally recommended that patients begin with the lowest dose possible and gradually increase the amount taken over a long period. If you want to avoid the possible side effects of CBD oil, then it is best to follow the guidelines included below.

  1. Begin at a low dose of between 10-20mg of CBD oil per dose.

  2. Doses may be administered as often as necessary but must be separated by a minimum of 8 hours intervals.

  3. Once you have settled on a starting dosage of CBD, it is important to wait at least 1 week before increasing the dose, to allow enough time to properly gauge its effects.

  4. Never take CBD oil without consulting a specialist if you are on prescribed medications of any kind.

  5. Try to take your last dose for the day no later than 3 hours before bed, as CBD is known for inducing bouts of energy that can lead to extended periods of insomnia.

Side effects of CBD oil

iStock / Aleksandr_Kravtsov

CBD oil is an all-natural therapeutic treatment that does not come with mind-altering effects, but unfortunately, some people do experience slight discomfort when using this kind of product. Below are the most commonly reported adverse effects of CBD oil:

  • Nausea
  • Diarrhea
  • Insomnia
  • Upset stomach
  • Irregular appetite
  • Interference with medications

Best CBD oil for seizures

The best CBD oil for seizures will differ from one person to the next, as it seems that some strains are better than others when it comes to treating Epilepsy, but one thing is consistent, and that is a fair dose of CBD is absolutely necessary. It is also highly recommended that medical patients buy CBD oil from only licensed and trusted providers that must conform to the more rigorous standards that have been set by the Federal government for health and safety.

CBD Oil Dosage How Much Should You Take


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